CANCELLATION POLICY: When appointments are cancelled with at least 24 hour advanced notice, you will not be held responsible. If you need to cancel on shorter notice, please inform us so your time can be offered to someone else. If your time is filled, you will not be charged. If you do not give adequate notice or fail to show up, you will be responsible for fee of $100. For a new patient who cancels their initial consultation on the day of their appointment, there will be a $275 fee due if one wishes to reschedule for a later date.
REMINDER MESSAGES: In order to assist you, a phone reminder is sent two business days before your appointment will be transmitted. Email may be sent as well, by request. New patients MUST reconfirm their intention to keep the appointment. Failure to do so may result in Dr. Bergman being unable to see you. Established patients, do not need to reconfirm. Reminder messages failures can occur. It is ultimately the responsibility of the patient to keep track of their appointments.
FREQUENCY OF VISITS/ REFILLS: It depends on the severity of your condition, the risks associated with managing it, whether changes in treatment are being made or whether you are being prescribed a controlled substance. The length of prescriptions vary, depending on what is clinically appropriate and the laws pertaining to controlled substances in your state. Please plan in advance and schedule follow up appointments before running out of your medication. Renewal of any quantity of controlled prescriptions is time consuming. It requires Dr. Bergman to check and a NYS registry and is subject to an administrative fee of $60 (as of 1/1/2021).
VIDEO SESSIONS: I provide care utilizing a HIPAA compliant platform called It requires that you are in a quiet setting with a good internet connection and a device with a camera. If you are using a mac, iphone or ipad ,use a Chrome or Brave browser. Sound is unreliable with a Safari browser. If you are using other video platforms before Doxy, you camera may be capture by that program. In order to have an optimal connection, please restart your device prior to use of Doxy. Once you enter the virtual waiting room, I receive notification that you are there. HERE IS THE LINK:
LENGTH OF TREATMENT: It depends both on the severity as well as the length of time the condition has existed. As a rule of thumb, when a condition has been chronic or recurrent, treatments are likely to be long term. When symptoms are sudden in their onset, there is a better chance for short term treatment with medication. It is not uncommon when people experience relief from the medication, they feel like they don't need it anymore. One should not abruptly stop medication. Instead consult with Dr. Bergman so he can help guide you in the safest possible manner.
SIDE EFFECTS: Dr. Bergman has extensive experience treating a wide spectrum of conditions and has a keen understanding of medications and their potential side effects. If you are uncertain of the effects of the medication, reach out to Dr. Bergman and communicate with him. You should not make changes to the treatment plan without first informing the doctor. Self adjusting your medication may result in serious adverse consequences. Dr. Bergman will be open to answering all of your questions and being accessible throughout treatment in order to guide you and improve the quality of your life.
REMINDER MESSAGES: In order to assist you, a phone reminder is sent two business days before your appointment will be transmitted. Email may be sent as well, by request. New patients MUST reconfirm their intention to keep the appointment. Failure to do so may result in Dr. Bergman being unable to see you. Established patients, do not need to reconfirm. Reminder messages failures can occur. It is ultimately the responsibility of the patient to keep track of their appointments.
FREQUENCY OF VISITS/ REFILLS: It depends on the severity of your condition, the risks associated with managing it, whether changes in treatment are being made or whether you are being prescribed a controlled substance. The length of prescriptions vary, depending on what is clinically appropriate and the laws pertaining to controlled substances in your state. Please plan in advance and schedule follow up appointments before running out of your medication. Renewal of any quantity of controlled prescriptions is time consuming. It requires Dr. Bergman to check and a NYS registry and is subject to an administrative fee of $60 (as of 1/1/2021).
VIDEO SESSIONS: I provide care utilizing a HIPAA compliant platform called It requires that you are in a quiet setting with a good internet connection and a device with a camera. If you are using a mac, iphone or ipad ,use a Chrome or Brave browser. Sound is unreliable with a Safari browser. If you are using other video platforms before Doxy, you camera may be capture by that program. In order to have an optimal connection, please restart your device prior to use of Doxy. Once you enter the virtual waiting room, I receive notification that you are there. HERE IS THE LINK:
LENGTH OF TREATMENT: It depends both on the severity as well as the length of time the condition has existed. As a rule of thumb, when a condition has been chronic or recurrent, treatments are likely to be long term. When symptoms are sudden in their onset, there is a better chance for short term treatment with medication. It is not uncommon when people experience relief from the medication, they feel like they don't need it anymore. One should not abruptly stop medication. Instead consult with Dr. Bergman so he can help guide you in the safest possible manner.
SIDE EFFECTS: Dr. Bergman has extensive experience treating a wide spectrum of conditions and has a keen understanding of medications and their potential side effects. If you are uncertain of the effects of the medication, reach out to Dr. Bergman and communicate with him. You should not make changes to the treatment plan without first informing the doctor. Self adjusting your medication may result in serious adverse consequences. Dr. Bergman will be open to answering all of your questions and being accessible throughout treatment in order to guide you and improve the quality of your life.