The front desk is open Monday- Friday from 9 AM- 5 PM. Phone: (212) 289-4128
Confidential FAXES come directly to Dr. Bergman's computer. Fax: (212) 289-4219
Alternatively, You may contact us via email.
For scheduling billing and pharmacy issues, email:
For clinical issues only: questions about medication, side effects, one's condition, therapist concerns, email Dr. Bergman directly:
When the phone is in use, rather than get a busy signal, your call is relayed to voicemail. Please leave a message and your call will be returned on the same business day.
When the front desk closes at 5 PM, messages left on the answering machine are not retrieved until the next business day. In case of an emergency after hours or on the weekend, I can be reached on my cell phone at (917) 617-4691. For non emergency matters, you may email me at any time.
In case of a life threatening emergency, if you are unable to reach me immediately, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
Confidential FAXES come directly to Dr. Bergman's computer. Fax: (212) 289-4219
Alternatively, You may contact us via email.
For scheduling billing and pharmacy issues, email:
For clinical issues only: questions about medication, side effects, one's condition, therapist concerns, email Dr. Bergman directly:
When the phone is in use, rather than get a busy signal, your call is relayed to voicemail. Please leave a message and your call will be returned on the same business day.
When the front desk closes at 5 PM, messages left on the answering machine are not retrieved until the next business day. In case of an emergency after hours or on the weekend, I can be reached on my cell phone at (917) 617-4691. For non emergency matters, you may email me at any time.
In case of a life threatening emergency, if you are unable to reach me immediately, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.